The Mob and the Mental Epidemic
Human and Literature Publishing
Date de publication

The Mob and the Mental Epidemic

Human and Literature Publishing

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782381118536
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne
What is the nature and the source of the mob? It is at one moment so humane,
at another so savage, at one moment so heroic, at the next so cowardly, that
it would seem at first glance as if it were governed by caprice, not by law.
Yet there are certain conditions which favor the production of a mob, and a
study of these conditions may help us to understand its apparently lawless
nature. The examination of a few cases may disclose some of the factors which
form the problem.

In 1883, in the city of Ekaterinoslav, Russia, a Jewish merchant happened to
quarrel with a peasant woman. "Murder! murder!" she screamed at the top of her
voice. A crowd of idlers soon gathered about the two combatants. "Beat the
Jews!" suggested someone in the crowd. A few stones flew in the direction of
the Jew's store, more and more followed; then the mob made a rush for the
building and destroyed it.

At about the same time, in one of the suburbs of Nijni-Novgorod, the following
incident occurred. A child fell into a ditch; a Jewess pitied it, took it in
her arms, and carried it into the synagogue to warm it A Christian woman
witnessed the scene, and began to cry out that a Christian child had had been
kidnapped for sacrificial purposes. A crowd of about three thousand men
gathered; a drunken fellow called out, "Beat the Jews!" Thereupon an attack
was made, and the mob, after having demolished the Jewish synagogue proceeded
after the manner peculiar to all Russian anti-Jewish riots, breaking into
Jewish houses, killing, violating, and barbarously demolishing every person
And thing they found in them.
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